Category: Dunmore

july 24 2013 Cadogan Helps farmers lobby banks

Cllr Cadogan Enright and John McCallister MLA help local farmers lobby Belfast Banks for a rational approach to lending for farm projects – and especially renewable energy projects where incomes…

july 3 2013 jobs campaign taken to Stormont

As Chairperson of the campaign to bring Public Sector Jobs to Down District, Cadogan organises launch of Down’s ‘sales brochure’ with help of MLA’s John McCallister, Chris Hazzard and Finance…

Minister supports Farmers on Wind Turbines Oct 2012

Minister supports Farmers on Wind Turbines Oct 2011, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Minister for Environment backs Lecale Farmers wind turbine campaign Picture shows DDFFRE (Down District Farmers For…

Farmers criticise planners over delays 31st Oct 2012

Farmers criticise planners over delays 31st Oct 20110001, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Farmers highlight 83% positive planning decisions for wind turbines across NI, but on 17% approved in…

Challenging Projected Coverage for RTE and TG4 in April 2012 – 6 months before digital switch-over

Following Digital UK writing to Down District Council last year us last year on the schedule for switch-over, I wrote back to them to them seeking reassurance that widespread concern…

Bicycles can now be recycled

Bicycles can now be recycled, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Bicycles can now be recycled

Councillor highlights RTE signal danger

Councillor highlights RTE signal danger, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Councillor highlights RTE signal danger


Councilor Cadogan Enright organized a meeting of farmers from the Down area with the Ulster Farmers Union following a series of planning decisions which he has described as ‘mercurial’. Cllr…

use cash not rates

use cash not rates, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Victory in reducing Rates flows from Renewable Energy