If you want to support my work as a Councillor and my campaigning on the Green Economy and and Human Rights you can donate to me here. My activist approach to local politics costs money. Like £2000 for my annual door-to-door newsletters, the cost of other leaflets, the last Judicial Review I won cost me over £1000 and even maintaining this website or simple things like stamps and envelopes to send out letters to constituents.
As I do not accept corporate donations I rely heavily on the financial support of individuals like you.
All donations will be reported to the Alliance Party who will ensure all donations are reported under the law.
Important: Please note. In order to make a political donation in Northern Ireland a private individual must be either a citizen of Ireland, or have a permanent residence in Ireland, or be a registered voter anywhere in Great Britain or Northern Ireland.
You can donate to my PayPal account cadogan@enright.ie by using the form below, or to my Newsletter account in Danske,
Cadogan Enright 950291 40097713