july 3 2013 jobs campaign taken to Stormont
As Chairperson of the campaign to bring Public Sector Jobs to Down District, Cadogan organises launch of Down’s ‘sales brochure’ with help of MLA’s John McCallister, Chris Hazzard and Finance…
Downpatrick and Lecale Coast Electoral Area. Newry Mourne and Down District Council.
As Chairperson of the campaign to bring Public Sector Jobs to Down District, Cadogan organises launch of Down’s ‘sales brochure’ with help of MLA’s John McCallister, Chris Hazzard and Finance…
Challenging anti-National park bullies 28th November 2012, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Challenging anti-National park bullies 28th November 2012
Council accepts Cllr Enrights proposal – copy 1949 Parks act and be a planning committee in new super council 21st Nov, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Council accepts Cllr…
Supporting the Economics of Wind Energy Mourne Observer 14th Nov 2012, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Supporting the Economics of Wind Energy Mourne Observer 14th Nov 2012
Following Digital UK writing to Down District Council last year us last year on the schedule for switch-over, I wrote back to them to them seeking reassurance that widespread concern…
Bicycles can now be recycled, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Bicycles can now be recycled
Councillor highlights RTE signal danger, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Councillor highlights RTE signal danger
The issue of Digital TV coverage cropped up again at Monday Night’s Down Council Meeting, as the latest reply from digitaluk on TV coverage in the Down area was discussed…
use cash not rates, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Victory in reducing Rates flows from Renewable Energy
Councillor Cadogan Enright’s 3 year campaign of opposition to what he has described as “excessive cash reserves” in Down District Council at the expense of the ratepayer appears to have…