The Record Breaking SeaGen Turbine now fully operational.

Green Party Cllr Cadogan Enright has expressed his delight at the news that the tidal stream turbine between Strangford and Portaferry has broken the world record for generating renewable energy.

Cllr Enright represents Down District Council on the Strangford Lough Management Advisory Committee and is the Green Party spokesperson for Energy in Northern Ireland.

Cllr Cadogan Enright said, “SeaGen has been undergoing trials since it was installed at the mouth of Strangford Lough in May and is now running its turbines at full capacity producing enough power for 1000 homes. This is another world first in Co. Down. This system is generating 1.2 megawatts of energy which is four times more powerful than any other tidal system.”

Cllr Enright pointed out that Co Down was on the leading edge of renewable energy across a range of eco-technologies. He said; “We have 500 manufacturing jobs in Kingspan in Newry, Bangor and Portadown, we have huge employment in Dimplex and over 55 small renewable energy businesses right across the district employing over 300 people. This is the least known and least celebrated success story in Down. “

Cllr Cadogan Enright condemned other local councillors like ex-Down District Chairpeson Cllr Eddie Rea who sought to ignore these successes and persisted in calling for a Nuclear power plant in Killough.

“The evacuated solar tubes produced to date in Bangor alone now produce the equivalent of the output of a nuclear power station in installations as far apart as Downpatrick, Shanghai Airport and Germany with no waste products. It is depressing when you listen to other local politicians ignoring locally based commercial successes of renewable energy in Co Down and instead call for massive subsidies for inefficient, expensive and dangerous nuclear power plants to be installed in this district with no thought as to where the waste is to be put”. Cllr Enright concluded

Press Cuttings: Enright praises tidal turbine, Enright welcomes lough turbine record, Enright welcomes record-breaking power generator