Down Councillor Cadogan Enright has condemned the cruel and illegal trapping of otters in the local countryside.
Cllr Enright and local Green activists have been removing illegal otter traps from a tributary leading into the Quoile River.
Cllr Enright said “These traps are designed to drown the otters underwater and are a barbaric remnant of former times, We will continue to campaign against this practice and will have no hesitation in reporting those responsible where we become aware of their identity”
Cllr Enright rejected suggestions that local fishing organisations were involved, saying “Green Party members work closely with local fishing organisations on issues like pollution, sewerage spills into local rivers and on the xxxxxxxxxxxx on the Quoile. We know the people involved in these organisations and they have impeccable environmental credentials”
Cllr Enright continued “Otters were once widespread in Down District and there used to be a vibrant population up until the 1950’s. However over the years many issues such as drainage of wetlands, trapping, hunting and declining fishing stocks have caused their numbers to decline.”
Cadogan Enright concluded, “Green Party members and other green activists have been campaigning for years in defence of local otters. These traps in the Quoile are just one of many cases in which the Green Party has been involved. Most recently we saw the destruction of an otter holt near Spa which is now being investigated by the Rivers Authority.”
Press Cuttings: Enright condemns trapping of otters, Cllr slams otter trapping, Otters are being trapped in rivers