Cllr Enright at Kennedy Park in Killough
Councillor Cadogan Enright has been pressing for better ongoing maintenance of Kennedy park in Killough following requests from local residents, and has highlighted the imminent building of the new Naoiscoil pre-school as an opportunity for public service organizations to improve services to this area.
Cllr Enright said “I have requested the council to clear up the huge amount of broken glass from the park, and the council manager has confirmed that this has been done and that there will be an ongoing effort to keep this area clean”.
“I have also contacted the District Policing Partnership to see what can be done between the PSNI and other government agencies to see what can be done once and for all to stamp out “rough drinking”, dumping and bonfires of household waste in the Park that is affecting the quality of life of local residents. I feel a cross-agency approach is the only way to tackle these issues”, Confirmed Cadogan Enright.
“The old mill is in a dangerous state, and barriers to entry have been removed, I am pursuing this with the Dangerous buildings section” Said Councillor Enright
“The building of the new Naoisciol gives the Council, in conjunction with the other agencies an opportunity to deliver a series of separate relatively minor actions, that taken collectively would provide a huge boost for local residents. The fencing and hedging could be repaired, the PSNI could patrol the area on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, the litter wardens could focus on this area until after Christmas or until the dumping problem with a few local individuals is resolved. The outcome could be a better local environment for everyone,” Concluded Councillor Cadogan Enright
To view the press cuttings click here:
Enright sees progress in bid to improve killough area