I was asked to write the Ballyhornan Community Newsletter by the Ballyhornan Taskforce of which I am a long-standing member to ensure that everyone in the local community were aware of the work was being done on their behalf.

The Ballyhornan Realm Interagency Group (BRIG) is a unique cross-community, cross-party working group dedicated to re-develop Ballyhornan. Sponsored by Down Council and involving all local politicians it has been working hard to deliver change. Here are a few of the things we have delivered over the last year;
- Down Council have matched £5000 towards the cost of developing our village plan with £5000 from Down Rural Partnership, and taken the lead role in its delivery.
- On Monday 25 June in the Ballyhornan Family Centre, URS, a company employed by Down District Council to develop the Village Plan, outlined their draft proposals. The meeting was well attended and many questions were raised regarding how the plans may impact on the area.
- The draft proposals for the Ballyhornan Village Development Strategy will be on display from Monday 9th July 2012 until Friday 20th July 2012 in the Ballyhornan Family Centre
- Planning permission was achieved for 12 Social Housing units adjacent to community centre, and discussions are ongoing with the ARC Housing Association regarding their building
- Planning permission was also achieved for a 3G pitch at the centre, a landfill grant of £100K has been agreed towards it cost, and Council is currently seeking the balance of funds.
- We made a submission to the Committee for Regional Development Inquiry into unadopted Roads in N.I.
- DRD Minister Danny Kennedy confirmed at our meeting in the centre short term plans for sewage treatment , and that a longer term solution for full treatment at Ardtole was ‘in the pipeline’
- Minister Kennedy said his department would also look at the roads situation but a village plan would need to be in place first. ( see point in yellow above!)
- Local Councillors lobbied the planning service to ensure that permission was given for a local petrol station and better retail facilities centrally located.
- The Task Force is currently pursuing Social Investment Fund as a possible route to obtain the funding necessary to tackle the problems in the area.
- Last year also saw the completion of our new IT suite at the centre with us finishing our first round of computer courses. This was the result of a lot of fund raising and hard work on everyones part. (See article on broadband on next page)
- Environment Minister Alex Attwood was given a detailed tour of our planning issues – and is proving to be a useful source of ongoing support.
- Other MEP’s, MLA’s and organisations have been briefed or given tours of the area to try and create consensus on the unique need for Ballyhornan to have a special cross-agency support our redevelopment
The Down Recorder supported the project with photographs, and it was printed by Down Council and distributed by committee members.
Cllr Cadogan Enright.