LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF DOWN RECORDER RESPONDING TO ARTICLE BY ROADS SERVICE CHIEF Sir, Firstly can I welcome Divisional Roads Manager’s statement regarding plans to tackle traffic management in…
Downpatrick and Lecale Coast Electoral Area. Newry Mourne and Down District Council.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF DOWN RECORDER RESPONDING TO ARTICLE BY ROADS SERVICE CHIEF Sir, Firstly can I welcome Divisional Roads Manager’s statement regarding plans to tackle traffic management in…
Minister supports Farmers on Wind Turbines Oct 2011, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Minister for Environment backs Lecale Farmers wind turbine campaign Picture shows DDFFRE (Down District Farmers For…
Jobs and Roads0001, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Cross-Party committees on Roads and Jobs agreed for Downpatrick This was a very important development for Jobs, and especially Public Sector…
Blackwater school – Oct 20110001, a photo by CadoganEnright on Flickr. Cllr Cadogan Enright campaigns for Blackwater school and especially its ethos and growing examination success rate to be preserved…