060, originally uploaded by downgreenparty.

The Green Party in Down District have succeeded in their campaign for a much needed seat for the bus shelter on Windmill Street in Ballynahinch.

Down Councillor, Cadogan Enright, has said that the seat will be very helpful addition to the shelter. “I have been approached by a number of elderly people who have had to stand at the bus stop, which is on a steep hill, holding their shopping and wait on a bus. As you can imagine, this is very tiring and it is a burden on older people.”

Cllr Enright said “The Green Party, through local co-ordinator Pat Ward, contacted Translink, who stated that bus shelters were the responsibility of a private company, Clearchannel, and that the steep hill made a seat impossible.”

The Green Party pursued the matter through the Consumer Council and received a letter confirming that a seat would be installed at the end of January. The work was recently carried out and the new seat has been in place for several weeks.”

“This is a very busy bus stop, servicing the main bus routes, as well as a number of schools in the town. The addition of a seat is long overdue and will be a welcome rest for those using the service”, said Pat Ward.

Welcoming the news was local man Trevor Gordon. “I have noticed the introduction of the new seat in the past week and I am glad to see it as it is much needed. It provides rest for those people, especially the older people, who have to wait on the hill for a long time to get the bus”.

Cllr Enright added, “We understand that there have been promises of a seat at this shelter before which came to nothing, but we now have a seat will installed and we have ensured that the company follow through with their word.”

Press Cuttings: bus seat success, ballynahinch seat welcome