Photograph at the Hillside Estate in the Spa where the new play facilities will be installed

Cllr Cadogan Enright has welcomed news that a new children’s playground will be installed at Hillside Estate in Spa. He has been campaigning with local residents to obtain this new play park for over a year.

The scheme at the Hillside area in the village is part of a £500,000 initiative by Down Council which will result in a number of playgrounds being upgraded.

Cllr Cadogan Enright said, “Residents collected money to seed this project, thereby encouraging the council to become involved. I am delighted to report that last night this project cleared the final hurdle at Monday night’s council meeting.”

“This is a shining example of self help by people who are not just complaining about a problem, but are actively going about helping themselves. This project demonstrates not only a strong local community, in Spa, but is also an exemplar in how community activists can get things done.” Said Councillor Enright.

“Currently there are just two baby swings to cater for the growing number of young families in the Spa which is totally inadequate. The other playground equipment is long since gone. The unbelievable obstacles that have been put in the way of this scheme have been exasperating but now we know the play park the community has strived for can become a reality and I welcome the decision of the Council.”