DOWN Councillor Cadogan Enright has succeeded in a 2-year long campaign to have the ASDA bottle bank recycling centre reinstated after a meeting with managers from ASDA’s regional Head Office in Edinburgh.
Cllr Enright said, “Following prolonged correspondence with ASDA and the Retail Park Management locally, I sought a meeting with ASDA Head Office who were more positive on this issue. We had a successful meeting in Belfast this week, and in conjunction with the park managers Colliers we are seeking to iron out any issues that might arise from the re-introduction of recycling facilities.”
Cllr Enright continued, “I have subsequently met with Council Management, who have agreed that Council will write to ASDA and Colliers reassuring them that a regular collection schedule will be put in place to ensure that problems of over-spill do not arise, and Council has also undertaken to clean the area around the bottle-bank on a regular basis as we do at other bottle banks. Based on a proposed new security camera, prosecutions could also be brought on foot of complaints by Park Management about any dumping”.
“This is a win-win situation for everyone, as retailers will see their turnover at the ASDA retail park increase, and Council will see its land-fill tax bill decrease as a result of this agreement.”
“I am also delighted to report that ASDA management have also requested Colliers to facilitate a new pedestrian entrance to the site. ASDA management have also agreed to pick up the tab for the new pedestrian entrance. Colliers are working to ensure that this will be built into the planned upgrade of the retail park.” said Cllr Enright.
“Whilst there are things that may yet conspire to frustrate the new re-cycling point and pedestrian entrance at ASDA, things are looking good at the moment. Over the last few years I have been besieged by residents from Downpatrick and around the District on the subject of the pedestrian entrance and the removal of the recycling centre at ASDA. It is great to have a successful end to this campaign”, concluded Cllr Enright