Saint Patricks Centre litter, originally uploaded by downgreenparty.
Cllr. Cadogan Enright, and his predecessor, Bill Corry, have voiced concerns about the actions of students in Downpatrick who are littering outside the Saint Patrick Centre.
He has noted groups of students from the local College of Further and Higher Education meeting outside the public building and dropping litter from their lunches. This is despite the fact that several bins have been provided in the immediate area for disposal of waste. It happens every day at lunch time.”
Cllr Enright said, “This is an ongoing problem which is simply a lack of consideration. The actions of these few individuals destroys the look of the area, particularly outside the Saint Patrick Centre whcih attracts crowds from all over the world. This is not the kind of impression we want to give visitors to Downpatrick.”
Former Cllr Bill Corry has also condemned the actions of these students, saying “These are not bad kids, they are just going along with the group. All we ask is that they use the ample provision of bins. Myself and Cadogan have confronted the students, who were from the College, and made them pick up the litter, but stricter enforcement is needed.”
Cllr Enright has sent a letter to the College Principal asking him to tackle this problem as it is a poor reflection on the College aswell. The pupils from other shools in the area, who also meet outside the Centre, do not seem to have a littering problem tot he same extent.
Cllr Enright has also asked that Litter Wardens be provided in Downpatrick to make an example of those to make a mess of the town and to deter others from behaving likewise.