Cllr Enright, Dick Shannon, John McAllister MLA, originally uploaded by downgreenparty.
Green Party Cllr Cadogan Enright assisted Dick Shannon DCHC leader in travelling from Ardglass to the Ulster Hospital to attend a Board meeting of the South Eastern Health Trust in Newtownards. They witnessed Lisburn City Council putting thier case for transferring services to Lagan Valley.
The meeting also allowed Dick Shannon of the Down Community Health Committee to the meeting listen to the update on the consultation process by Trust Project Managers for the three hospitals under review- Downe, Lagan Valley and Ulster- gave a report on current consultations and progress on these so-called “reforms”.
After viewing the Lisburn City Council presentation in support of transferring services to Lagan Valley Hospital, Cllr Enright said ‘Down District Council has a lot of work to do to get our counter argument up to the same standard.’
South Down UUP MLA John McAllister also spoke at the meeting. Cllr Enright said ‘John McAllister spoke well on the location of acute mental health services but seemed a litle weak on maintaining the consultant led A+E Department. I said to him that we should not allow the Trust to use difficulty in recruitment as an excuse to downgrade A+E. ”
“That being said, John is miles ahead of UUP Councillors in Down District who have simply rolled over in the face of the Trust”, he stated.