Badger Baiting Scandal

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week, (12-15th March 2012) BBC1 Newsline at 18.30 will feature an item on local badger baiting including the assault on Colin McClory.
I raised the assault on Mr McClory at the February meeting of the Down Policing Partnership, and it was resolved to make this an issue for the DPP going forward in view of the danger such a precedent set in terms of witnesses coming forward to give evidence on wildlife crime. The DPP is to contact the Justice Minister, Prosecution Service and other parts of the policing and Judicial system on this matter
See details of the assault on witness to badger baiting here here;
See link to previous campaign for Badgers which ended successfully here;
See also new controversy blowing up over badgers in England and Wales in following links (there is no issue in Scotland as they eliminated TB using strict control over cattle movements)