Cllr Cadogan Enright’s Down District Council was the lead council in the web-site launched by Mr. John Gormley T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Minister Gormley was attending at the invitation of the East Border Region Partnership of Councils from North and South of the Border.
Minister John Gormley officially launched the SustainAndBuild.com website at an event in the Ballymascanlon Hotel in Dundalk co. Louth. Sustainandbuild.com is a portal web facility offering open access to planning, building and environmental knowledge within the East Border Region of Ireland. It facilitates trade and investment and highlights prime development opportunities. Through the actions of participating enterprises, councils and experts, it explains in plain terms the legislation and policies applicable to development in both jurisdictions in the region.
Referring to the site as a model for joined-up government and cross border cooperation the Minister commented : “The way it has managed to link together the information and spokespersons from Planning, Building Control, Water treatment, Heritage, Health and Safety and Roads functions from both jurisdictions into a veritable one stop shop is an enviable achievement”
The website is easy to use with video, audio and interactive content all being deployed to communicate information with maximum impact. It has learning modules for schools, with interactive functionality to gauge the real level of understanding achieved.
The site also features up-to-date information on sustainability in design and construction, best practice approaches, renewable technologies and energy saving solutions. Recommending the site to anyone involved in or contemplating a construction project in this region, or further afield. Minister said:- “The new sustainability and energy efficiency agenda is where it’s at for the industry and the more we get to grips with this agenda now, the better prepared we will be for the much-anticipated upturn in economic activity when it comes and come it will”.
Photograph shows Westminister Candidate Cllr Cadogan Enright and Cllr. Mark Deary from Dundalk at official launch of SustainAndBuild.com website by the Minister.