Councillor Enright at the rear of a house in Linnhurst Park overlooking the Mill Dam.
Local residents of the Linnhurst Park in Drumaness have brought to the attention of the Green Party the deterioration of the Mill Dam which recently contributed to the flooding of resident’s gardens next to the Dam.
For the past few years the Mill Dam has slowly deteriorated and green foliage has taken over half the dam. During the heavy rainfall in August 2008 the Dam could not cope with the pressure of water and a crack appeared in the wall. This led to flooding of the gardens adjacent to the Mill Dam in the Linnhurst Park.
Cadogan has called on the Rivers Agency and Down District Council to consider the risks of flooding to residents of the Lyndhurst Estate who have had to put sandbags at the rear of their houses as a result of the flooding and constant threat of flooding from the Mill Dam.
DOWN Cllr Cadogan Enright said, “It is completely unacceptable that local residents have to live with the constant threat of flooding. Having visited the site and the home of local residents my main concern is that the next time we have heavy rain homes could also be at risk. I was shocked at the slow pace of reaction forthcoming from the relevant authorities.”
“I expressed my concerns to the Down District Council and Rivers Agency calling on them to act last year and am doing so again. Pat Ward recently collected signatures for a petition from local residents adjacent to the Mill Dam to support the call for the construction of a safer barrier to prevent flooding from happening. This has been forwarded to the Down District Council and Rivers Agency as well.
We have also notified the Housing Executive about this problem due to their property also being at risk. The Housing Executive has since written to the Down District Council supporting the need for a resolution to the flooding problems and deterioration of the Dam. The Housing Executive has also received no reply on this matter.
Press Cuttings: Flooding risk from mill dam, Concern at condition of Drumaness Dam