Councilor Cadogan Enright has hit our against a year of delays by the Housing Executive in dealing with sewerage leaks from its properties spreading out down Wallace Hill Road in Ballygally.
Cllr Enright said, “Local residents have reported this in writing to Environmental Health Officers at the Council who have n turn brought the matter to the attention of the Housing Executive who have been slow to respond. Meanwhile drivers and pedestrians along Wallace Hill road must negotiate filthy conditions that only get worse when it rains”
Local resident Laurence Kirk said “I have contacted the department on many occasions since last year and we are still waiting for action to be taken. Even when there is no rain the pollution can reach right across the road and many meters down the road on one side. It is unpleasant for local residents and also makes cars smell and require a lot more cleaning.”
Cadogan Enright agreed and said, “I have made a formal complaint to the Housing Executive on this matter and they have promised me a report on what they are doing about it. I have also made a formal report of a pollution incident and will expect prosecution of the Housing Executive to follow if they continue to drag their feet in this matter.”
“The days of government agencies feeling they have immunity are over, but many government orgainsations have not yet woken up to this new reality. Statistics in this area have should that most pollution incidents can be traced back to government agencies in recent years. This attitude of license must stop and I will continue to campaign until it does.” Concluded Cll Enright