Energy Advice

Tips for businesses to help reduce your carbon emissions and save money

South Down Councillor Cadogan Enright is warning local businesses to prepare now for a tax on their carbon emissions set to be introduced in April next year. “The Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) was initially designed to incentivise large private and public sector bodies to increase energy efficiency. By charging for carbon credits and rewarding those who performed well with financial pay back, the scheme would have encouraged investment in low carbon technologies. It was a carrot and stick approach designed to reduce carbon emissions, but now the government has removed the carrot and all we are left with is the stick – a stealth tax.”

Regardless of the size or sector of your business, by making simple changes you can save energy and money.

Act now before new legislation on carbon tax comes into force next year!

  • Firstly, get a carbon audit done to find out how much carbon your business is generating then you can set realistic and measurable targets when it comes to reducing your output and costs. Do this fast – before the Lib-Con coalition bury the Carbon Trust.
  • Install a wind turbine – Despite the anti-renewables attitude of officialdom in N.I. your business could make £100,000 a year on a 250kw turbine
  • Install renewable heating systems eg wood fuelled boilers supplied by local farmers could cut heating and hot water costs by 50%
  • Switch computers off. A single computer and monitor left on 24 hours a day could cost over £50 a year. It’s an area where huge savings can be made, as effective management of equipment can reduce its energy consumption by up to 70%.
  • Don’t turn up the heating unless you really need to. Try to keep your thermostat at 19oC as your heating costs will increase by 8% each time you turn the temperature up by just one degree.
  • You can save up to 30% on your fuels costs by making sure your boiler is well maintained. It is recommended that you maintain your boiler at least every 12 months.
  • Switch unused lighting off. You could cut your lighting costs by as much as 15% just by making sure you turn off lights in areas that aren’t being used. Motion sensor switches are the ideal solution to this problem.
  • Involve staff with energy management through education and in-office advertising and monitor your office energy use and savings. Set a clear office policy and make it clear to staff why you are doing it.